Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Love, Coffee, Mugs

During my short lived time in Puerto Rico, I fell in love with a wide range of island coffee.

I had the opportunity to tour a few coffee farms.  I learned about their process and how they went from seeds, plants, harvest, roasting, manufacturing to the finished coffee ground sold at local stores.

My favorites are:   Café Oro de Puerto Rico,  Café El Coquí, Café Lareño, Yaucano

Sadly, I had to leave. I miss living in there. I miss the beaches, mountains and most of all I miss the  sounds the Coquí makes at night. 

I miss seeing the stars and the Milky Way when I used to work at the Arecibo Observatory.  Whenever I had the chance to go up onto the gantry that held suspended a three story movable Dome, I would pause to look at the sky and across the island.  With very little light pollution, I could see more constellations than I would in the city.  It was just magical.  Fond memories.


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